Zaprite Woo Demo

A demo WooCommerce store showcasing the Zaprite for WooCommerce payment gateway.

zaprite woocommerce plugin integration

Self-hosted websites,
need self-hosted payments.

Use your Zaprite Checkout to accept bitcoin, lightning and fiat payments for your WooCommerce Orders in one unified hosted Checkout.

Accept bitcoin, on-chain and over lightning, as well as fiat card payments in one unified hosted Checkout.

No need to run a payments server. We host the Checkout for you. Simply connect your wallet and/or node and start receiving payments.

Add custom branding to your Checkout for a seamless customer experience.

Visit the Shop page, purchase an item and see the Zaprite Checkout in action.

Zaprite Payment Gateway

Find our plugin in the official WordPress directory, or download and browse the source code on GitHub.

Want to accept bitcoin payments?

Head over to and sign-up for a free 30-day trial today!